i-Labtest System is one-of-the-kind, precise, palm-sized, automated, quantitative cell counter and hematology analyzer that can accurately determine cell concentration in a sample of media or whole blood. Distinctive features of i-Labtest System include:

  • Accurate and precise

  • Portable (palm-sized), lightweight, and mobile

  • Small sample volume (7 µL)

  • Fast (minute)

  • Simple test operation and sample preparation (one step, no need for precise pipet)

  • No dilution, No warm-up or calibration

  • Low cost

  • Design for GMP; CE marking received for its sister brand

  • Network and cloud ready for integration (21 CFR Part 11 ready)

i-Labtest Model-X: Hemoglobin, WBC, Diffs (Neutrophil, Lymphocyte), ~ 7 µL sample volume, in ~1 min (certain other testing of cytology/pathology of flowable and non-flowable samples (e.g. mucus, tissue, etc.) can be customer modified)  [sale]

  • Cell Counter (info)

  • Animal Blood Counter (info)

i-Labtest Model-U: Hemoglobin, WBC, Diffs (Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil), RBC, and Platelet, ~ 8 µL sample volume in ~4 min (certain other testing of cytology/pathology of flowable and non-flowable samples (e.g. mucus, tissue, etc.) can be customer modified) [info, sale]

i-Labtest Q-Card

Type A: Hemoglobin, WBC, Diffs (Neutrophil, Lymphocyte), ~ 7 µL sample volume

Type B: Hemoglobin, WBC, Diffs (Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil), RBC, and Platelet, ~ 8 µL sample

  • I was impressed by this tiny device as it made my life much easier. It is a fast and effective way to do blood cell counting with iLabtest. The results were reproducible and stable. It only requires a very small drop of blood so I can continuously and regularly monitor blood cells from my mice. The device itself is portable and very easy to operate. I strongly recommend iLabtest if you need to do blood cell counting frequently.

    Dr. Yujiao Han, a research fellow at the Kang lab | Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University